Data of Banshu-ori
Data of Banshu-ori
As of May 2024
1.Numbers of companies and employees
Companies | Employees | |
Production area | 12 | 225 |
Dyeing | 6 | 169 |
Weaving | 100 | 443 |
Producing | 2 | 122 |
Total | 120 | 959 |
2.Number of weaving machines
Number of machines | |
Nomal | 154 |
Rapier | 700 |
Air jet | 307 |
Total | 1,161 |
3.Number of varieties
Amount (thousand square meters) | |
Cotton gingham | 1,411 |
Cotton poplin | 2,072 |
Cotton cloth | 1,473 |
Cotton twill | 1,708 |
Changed weaving | 1,353 |
Others | 3,538 |
Total | 11,555 |
4.Shipping destinations
Share (%) | |
America | 0.1 |
Hongkong | 0 |
Mainland of China | 0.5 |
Other export | 8.9 |
Domestic | 90.5 |
Total | 100.0 |